At The Lighthouse we value simplicity, and authenticity and relationship.
We don't believe church should be some big production, we believe that God is inviting people to engage with Him in a simple and real way to approach Him as friends. It is because of this that we value His presence and we have an earnest desire to know Him more. We believe if we come to practice and enjoy His presence in our lives we will be changed and His presence in our lives will be a catalyst for positive transformation in our city and beyond. The goal is for us to become more like Jesus.
How Sweet it is!
Feb 20 2022 Church Sermon
What to Expect When You're not Expecting
How Sweet it is!
Feb 20 2022 Church Sermon
What to Expect When You're not Expecting

Brandon Linse
Brandon Linse has been the Pastor at the Lighthouse Christian Fellowship, located in the heart of the River City (Kamloops) for 14 years. One thing that has always been the centre of his preaching has been the presence of God. God's presence in our lives leads and empowers us to do all the things God calls us to do. Brandon was born and raised in Bozeman, Montana. Brandon, along with his beautiful wife Danae and their two children love living and serving here in Kamloops! His passion is to raise up whole-hearted worshippers who worship Jesus in Spirit and in Truth.