As a church we desire to be the visible handprint of God within our spheres of influence; our homes, our schools, our workplaces and our communities.

We love to meet new people and join together for uplifting worship and spiritual encouragement.

We are a diverse family of all ages (no seriously 0-100+) who enjoy meeting together to encourage and support each other in our lives and relationships with Christ, wherever you are at. You can expect to hear vibrant worship, a children's moment, strong biblically based preaching and some special presentations from time to time. Your kids and youth will have a blast in our children's and youth ministries and we can all connect for refreshments after the service. We hope to see you this Sunday and can't wait to meet you!

Join Us

Sundays: Worship, 10:30am
Mondays: All ages, 6:30pm
Mondays: Ladies Quilting, 10:00am
Every second Wednesday: Boys and Girls, Grades 5-8, 6:30-8:00pm
Thursdays: Men's Bible Study, 7:00pm
Every other Thursday: Young Adults, 7:30pm
Fridays: Women's Bible Study, 10:00am
Fridays: Senior Youth, grades 8-12, 6:30pm



David Zvonar

Jimmy has served as youth pastor, executive pastor, and lead pastor in previous churches. He is a visionary leader with a heart for God.