Our “Leaders” are drawn from every corner of the district, ensuring a mission focus that is continually broad and inclusive.

Rev. Gordon McCann

District Superintendent (DS)

The district superintendent has three primary responsibilities: He oversees the extensive administrative tasks of the district organization, he is central in guiding the “ONE Church” mission of the district, and he assists our churches to secure pastoral leadership and to accomplish their own particular sense of local mission. Additionally, the superintendent is commonly viewed as “the pastor of our pastors.”

Rev. Anne Scarrow

Nazarene Missions International (NMI), District President

The district NMI is charged with keeping Nazarenes within the Canada Pacific District informed about and connected with the huge international reach of the Church of the Nazarene. Each of our churches also identifies local NMI leaders.

Rev. Matt Wood

Nazarene Youth International (NYI), District President

The district NYI focuses upon building connections with teenagers and young adults. We have a long history of cooperating across our district, building extensive relationship networks through camps, retreats, conferences, and united service initiatives. Each of our churches also identifies local NYI leaders and develop youth “ministries” that provide meaningful support for teens and young adults.

Rev. Lorna Bartram

Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries International (SDMI), SDMI Superintendent

The District SDMI is tasked with ensuring that our local churches are resourced with tools and programming that enable effective “discipleship”. That is to say, we are committed to helping persons become fully acquainted with Jesus, his model of life, his teaching, and his challenge that his disciples “follow” his lead. Each of our local churches also provide discipleship ministries in the form of Sunday Schools and/or other organized programming.


District Advisory Board

Lay Members: Cathy Craig, Don Johnson, Mark Kennedy

Clergy Members: Rev. Aaron Austin, Rev. Gary Nawrocki, Rev. Lori Ward

District Secretary

Rev. Brock Greenhill

District Treasurer

Charlie Louie

District Board of Ministry

Rev. Aaron Austin, Rev. Rigoberto Castillo, Rev. Brock Greenhill, Rev. Brandon Linse, DS Rev. Gordon McCann,  Rev. Graham McMahon, Rev. David Neale, Rev. Megan Polowski, Rev. Lori Ward, Rev. Matthew Wood